March 18 - 2024 Supplemental Budget Proposal
Capitol reporters, Peter Callaghan, Minnpost, left, and Rochelle Olson, Minneapolis Star/Tribune, right, scan the one-page supplemental...
March 7 - Mental Health Day on the Hill
Ryan Rasmussen tells his real life story of addiction and mental health issues during the Mental Health Day on the Hill rally in the...
House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth celebrates with her caucus supporters while a judge moves in to check her work after she repeated as...
Feb. 29 - MMB Releases February Budget Forecast
MMB Commissioner Erin Campbell reveals during the release of the February budget forecast that Minnesota will now have a $3.7 billion...
Feb. 26 - Haley Stops in Minnesota
Presidential candidate Nikki Haley gives the thumbs up to a supporter encouraging her to stay in the race for the Republican Party...
Feb. 20 - Housing Rally, Campus Polling Places & Staying Connected
A corner of the main entry to the State Office Building makes a perfect spot to work on their lapt Housing advocates rally in the Capitol...
Feb. 12 - OPENING DAY 2024 Legislature
A Capitol visitor breaks a beam of light coming from the French doors on the second floor off the rotunda on the opening day of the 2024...
An opponent to the End-of-Life Options Act holds her sign outside a packed hearing of the House Health Finance & Policy Committee as...
Jan. 22 - 2024 MCCL "MARCH FOR LIFE"
Volunteers carried blankets holding plastic baby models into the Capitol rotunda to illustrate the more than 12,000 abortions performed...
Gov. Tim Walz, left, along with Senate Majority Leader Kari Dziedzic and Speaker Melissa Hortman, right, listen as MMB Commissioner Erin...