Jan. 14 - Getting The House in Order - Boycott - Quorum - Elections

It looked like any other opening day of the legislature. Newly elected members filing into the House Chamber with family, members posing for photos with their kids on the Speaker’s chamber desk, members holding babies and spouses seated next to their elected members. This is what it usually looks like on the first day of session in the past. In 2025 the 94th Legislature has a different look with just half the House Chamber filled with Republican members and the other half of the House Chamber empty as DFL members boycotted the opening day ceremonies. All 67 Republican elected members on their half of the House Chamber were sworn in on the opening day while 66 DFL members were sworn in earlier at the History Center.
The boycott was due to the removal of a DFL elected member for a residency violation for not living in the district in which he was running. This threw the 67-67 split in the House to a one seat majority for the Republicans. Republicans took advantage of a court order to vacate the seat of a DFL member and stop the negotiation of any power sharing agreement. The DFL then used a procedural manoeuvre to deny the Republicans a quorum of 68 members to organize the House of Representatives. Secretary of State Steve Simon, the presiding officer on opening day, called the House to order. After members in the chamber were sworn in, a roll call vote is taken to determine if a quorum of members is present. Sixty- Seven lights lit up on the voting boards on either side of the House Chamber. Sec. of State Simon announced that since it takes 68 members for a quorum he adjourned the proceedings. The DFL had hoped this would keep Republicans from organizing the House.
House Republicans ignored Sec. of State Simon’s ruling and proceeded to organize the House with a quorum of 67 members of the now 133 members elected. Rep. Paul Anderson, the longest serving Republican member, was appointed by the body to be the presiding officer. Rep. Lisa Demuth was nominated and elected Speaker of the House with 67 votes. all Republican, of the members that were present in the House Chamber. After addressing the members Speaker Demuth adjourned the proceedings.
Did this constitute the official organization of the House of Representatives? Both the Democrats and Republicans have petitioned the Supreme Court to make the final ruling on what is a quorum and on the rapid timing of Gov. Tim Walz’s calling a special election on Jan. 28 in the district where the residency violation happened..

Equal Rights Amendment supporters rally in the rotunda on the opening day of the 94th Legislature.

The desk of Rep. Brad Tabke of Shakopee sits empty as DFL members boycotted the opening day of the legislature. A court decision that Rep. Tabke could take his seat despite 20 missing ballot in his election came earlier on the opening day of the session..

Rep. Chris Swedzinski poses on the Speakers desk with his two sons Crosby, left and Harry, right, on the opening day of the legislature.

Rep. Lisa Demuth joined by her husband, Nick, blows a kiss to members of her family seated in the House Gallery.

Republican elected members stand for the invocation during opening ceremonies on the first day of the legislative session.

Republican elected members are sworn in on the opening day of the legislative session.

Rep. Chris Swedzenski points to show his son, Crosby, the light lit next to his name on the voting board during a roll call vote to determine a quorum.

Secretary of State Steve Simon gavels the proceeding to adjournment after announcing a quorum of 68 members were not present to organize the House.

Rep.Harry Niska makes a motion to take a roll call vote to determine a quorum is present Republicans to organize the House and elect a Speaker.

Rep. Paul Anderson is appointed to preside over House after Secretary of State Steve Simon adjourned the proceedings.

Members surround and applaud Rep. Lisa Demuth after she is elected Speaker of the House.

Rep. Paul Anderson swears in Rep. Lisa Demuth to be Speaker of the House.

Rep. Paul Anderson is appointed to preside over House after Secretary of State Steve Simon adjourned the proceedings.

Speaker Demuth addresses the members.

Republican members applaud after Speaker Lisa Demuth’s address.

Speaker Demuth adjourns the House.

Speaker Demuth is surround by the Capitol media after adjourning the House on the opening day of the legislature.

The Senate pauses for a moment of silence after hearing tributes to the late Sen Kari Dziedzic who died of cancer.

Lobbyists Joseph Bagnoli, left and Douglas Carnival, right, talk outside the House Chamber after the House adjourned on the opening day of the legislative session.