Jan. 22 - 2024 MCCL "MARCH FOR LIFE"

Volunteers carried blankets holding plastic baby models into the Capitol rotunda to illustrate the more than 12,000 abortions performed in Minnesota in 2022.
On a warm January day participants in the “March For Life” rallied on the mall and front steps of the Capitol to mark the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Participants marched, laid plastic babies on tables placed on the mall and then stood in silence as the tables were carried up the front steps of the Capitol. Several tables filled with baby models were placed at the top of the steps to begin a program of speakers. At the end of the rally the blankets piled with baby models were placed around the “Star of the North” in the rotunda to represent the 12,000 unborn lives lost in Minnesota in 2022. Some participants came into the rotunda to pray and hold the baby models laid there.
