March 18 - 2024 Supplemental Budget Proposal

Capitol reporters, Peter Callaghan, Minnpost, left, and Rochelle Olson, Minneapolis Star/Tribune, right, scan the one-page supplemental budget prior to Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov Peggy Flanagan’s news conference to announce the proposal. The $228 million supplemental budget proposal would fund several statewide programs.

Gov. Tim Walz announces his 2024 Supplemental Budget Proposal during a news conference at the Capitol.

Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan tells reporters she especially likes the child protection credit payment pilot program proposed in the supplemental budget.

Gov. Tim Walz asks Revenue Commissioner Paul Marquart to explain a portion of the supplemental budget proposal during the news conference. Joining Gov. Walz, from left. Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, MMB Commissioner Erin Campbell, MMB State Budget Director Ahna Minge and Revenue Commissioner Paul Marquart.

Revenue Commissioner Paul Marquart explains a portion of Gov. Walz and Lt Gov. Flanagan's Supplemental Budget Proposal during a news conference at the Capitol.