May 7 - Two Ethics Complaints Heard

Sen. Glen Gruehagen, left, watches as Sen. Nicole Mitchell prepares to leave the hearing of the Senate Rules Subcommittee on Ethical Conduct. Both Senate members were before the committee on ethics complaints.

Ethic complaint filings and other material were available to the public.

Sen. Bobby Joe Champion, chair of the Senate Rules Subcommittee on Ethical Conduct, tells the committee members the procedures that will be used during the hearing.

The Senate Rules Subcommittee on Ethical Conduct has four members two DFL members, Sen. Mary Kunesh, left and Sen. Bobby Joe Champion, center chairing and two GOP members, Sen. Jeremy Miller and Sen. Andrew Mathews, far right.

Sen. Erin Maya Quade presents the ethics complaint filed against Sen. Glen Gruehagen.

Sen. Glen Gruehagen listens to the ethics complaint presentation filed against him by Sen. Erin Maya Quade.

Sen. Glen Gruehagen defends against the ethics complaint filed against him by Sen. Erin Maya Quade.

Sen. Glen Gruenhagen completes his closing statement as Sen. Erin Maya Quade comes to the table to make her closing statement on the ethics complaint before the Rules Subcommittee on Ethical Conduct.

The Rules Subcommittee on Ethical Conduct takes up the second ethics complaint filed against Sen. Nicole Mitchell.

Sen. Karin Housley, front, and Sen. Eric Lucero, back, are sworn-in and will make the presentation of the ethics complaint filed against Sen. Nicole Mitchell.

Sen. Nicole Mitchell listens to the ethics complaint filed against her while seated in the public view area.

Bruce Ringstrom Jr., lawyer for Sen. Nicole Mitchell, questions the two senators that made the presentation of the ethics complaint against his client, Sen. Mitchell.

Sen. Nicole Mitchell, left and her lawyers are called in front of the Rules Subcommittee on Ethical Conduct and sworn-in before making their presentation and taking questions.

Sen. Karin Housley, right, and Sen. Eric Lucero look over questions to ask Sen. Nicole Mitcherll and her lawyers.

Sen. Nicole Mitchell remained silent as her lawyer, Bruce Ringstrom Jr., pleads the fifth.