May 7 - Uber / Lyft Driver Pay Compromise

Teresa Mercado, a five year Uber driver, wore her message to a hearing of the House Labor and Industry Finance and Policy Committee. Rideshare drivers will reject both offers. One negotated by legislative leaders, Minneapolis City Coucil and rideshare drivers and another one made by the rideshare companies.

Rep. Hodan Hassan & Rep.Mohamud Noor authors of HF4746 present a compromise bill negotated between legislative leaders, Minneapolis City Council and rideshare drivers. The compromise would mandate rideshre companies would pay a minimum wage rate of $1.27 per mile and 48 cents per minute.

Rideshare drivers at the hearing have rejected both offers because one is to low and the other would not compensate for waiting time.

John Reich, a lobbist for Lyft, tells members of the House Labor and Industry Finance and Policy Committee the pay rate doesn’t work for Lyft or Uber and both companies would leave Minnesota if they have to raise drivers pay.

Eid Ali, president of the Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association (MULDA), tells the committe the rideshare companies have profited by paying drivers little

Farhan Badel,MULDA Committee Member, testifies before the House Labor and Industry Finance and Policy Committee on the rideshare drivers pay compromise.